If you have been in internet marketing for a while, you should recognize the power of article marketing. For internet marketers without much experience, it is crucial that you realize how versatile articles can be. There are quite a few different types of articles as well as strategies for developing articles. Today we will discuss some effective article marketing tips that will improve your returns.
A lot of article marketers, if not the majority, look to the article sites for their number one source of website traffic. Then a lot of article marketers try to SEO their articles with the belief that they can get them ranked in Google. However a lot of of the lesser experienced authors put too much emphasis on driving traffic from article sites. But today we will look at a unique method that is used much less often by article marketers. We are pertaining to intentionally writing your articles to put them in syndication. You must realize that this involves a totally different way of looking at your articles, both in terms of writing and marketing.
When you participate in article syndication, you are trying to get website owners to use your articles on their websites. There are a lot of noticeable benefits to this, and the results you gain are much more lasting than just publishing your articles on article directory. It is critical to see that syndicated articles are very different from the regular article directory article. You will soon find out that website owners like articles that are at least 500 words, often times even 1000 or more words, and the quality and writing must be excellent. You also have to remember that these people are familiar about their topics so they can spot any logical or factual mistakes.
It is a common practice, that you should always use your content on your site, and then wait until Google indexes them, before ever publishing to an article directory. Some directories and syndication networks, however want 100% original content. This poses a dilemma, because you always want search engines to see that your site is where your article was posted first. So you have to evaluate benefits of giving up your article to third party carefully. But many times, a good link from a solid authority site is worth writing a separate article, just for that one site, and then offer it for more syndication, once it has been indexed.
If your goal is to be hands-on about syndicating your articles, then here is one method that can work very well. First, as you are aware of you need to develop the right sort of article worthy of syndication. After that you should do all your publishing in the right order as we laid out, publishing on your site first, if possible. Subsequently, you can go to the authority sites in your niche, and inquire if they want to syndicate your article.
This method may be a bit uncomfortable for some people, simply because they may be too shy or worry too much about being rejected. You must do your best to work outside of your comfort zone, with the eye on the prize. Remember, this direct approach may be less comfortable than just publishing articles on directories and hoping someone will notice them. However, the rewards are much greater, because you have a direct control the whole syndication process.
Plus, after the initial period, it is very likely that you will develop a working relationship with many of the publishers, thus essentially creating your own personal syndication network, eager to syndicate your articles in the future.
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