Types of SEO – Search Engine Optimization

If you want to rank higher in Google and thus increase the virtual visibility of your website to attract visitors there are several things that you should know before you begin working on your website. So if you want to learn about a couple things you can do to increase your rank on the popular search engines on the internet I suggest you continue reading this post. The fact of the matter is if you really want something to prosper you simply have to work at it a lot; just like with anything in life.

If you want to be rich you need to work hard and save up. If you want your website you grow you need to continue adding new content and upgrading the framework. You will also have to build links but we will talk about that in another post. In this post we are going to talk about several types of SEO techniques that people use. First, these techniques can be categorized into two main categories; white hat and black hat.

The white hat techniques to increase your website on search engines are the proper way to do things. In other words, the search engine companies themselves approve of the white hat techniques to increase your ratings. The black hat techniques are not approved by the search engine companies and they usually revolve around spamming websites with useless stuff that has no relevance at all to what a person searches for on the internet. When the internet was just beginning back in 1997 the search engine companies realized that people were spamming their websites with a bunch of useless pages to increase their ranking on the search engines.


Even though spamming a website might improve your rank it is not the best way to go about doing things because the search engine companies do not want you to increase your rank like that.

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