Do you find it difficult to get your marketing research proposals approved by management? Do you have feedback as to why the research was declined? One of the biggest mistakes marketers made key is not explicitly showing what the objectives and benefits of the research work actually is. This should inform every element of the proposal.
You should have a full section in your documents regarding the objectives of your market research work. There may be several objectives or goals for your work so explicitly state what they are. Provide objectives that show clear benefits for your company. Management is really only concerned finding out how they can improve the company as a result of this research. For example, your market research work could find that customer loyalty rewards could actually boost purchases over longer-term.
The second major element of any marketing research proposals is defining what type of research approach is going to be used. It is worthwhile suggesting several different approaches so that your proposal has a better chance of approval based on different options. Make sure you also clarify exactly what type of analysis work will need to be done on the data collection from any research work. Relate any analysis work you intend doing to clear benefits or business decisions which would benefit the company.
Management is going to be equally concerned about the cost of all this work. Provide a full section around the budgets of running the actual research work, resource requirements and any outside consultants or contractors you will need. Provide details about how the progress and status of the research work will be reported back to management. This may be necessary on long-term research projects where management may need the flexibility to pull the plug on the research work.
Last of all, complete an executive summary at the start the document which sums up the key benefits and costs involved with your research work. Focus on objectives which will provide long-term gains to the company.
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