Help Your Blog Make Money By Sharing You Knowledge

If you continually wonder how to help your blog make money, you may be focusing on the wrong thing.  If you learn to share your knowledge with your readers in a very helpful way, you will eventually make money blogging.  You need to develop some patience and quit worrying about making money all the time.  I know this is easier said than done, but it is what works for me.  Here are some of my top tips on how best share your “stuff” with your readers:

  1.  Take An Inventory Of Your Skills —  If you are still trying to figure out how to make money with a blog, I have a suggestion for you.  Take an inventory of your skills and focus on sharing these skills with your readers.  This will serve you much better in the long run that trying to figure out where your income will come from.  Your income will come from happy readers that frequent your blog.  You get them coming to your blog by sharing great content with them.
  2.  Focus On A Variety Of Niche Topics —  You want to stay on topic within your niche, but want to cover a variety of things to keep your blog fresh.  You want your readers to get excited about what you have to say and what you are going to talk about this week.  When  you have your readers looking forward to reading what you have to offer, you are doing the right things on your blog.
  3.  Use Personal Experiences Often —  You want to interject personal experiences as much as possible.  Your readers want to learn from you, and your personal stories are a great way to make this happen. Do not be afraid to share your victories or your defeats, as your readers will learn a lot from both type of experiences.  When you are willing to share personal experiences, you show your readers that you care about them and want to help them no matter what.

You want to go out of your way to share your knowledge with your readers.  This will let them know you care about them and their well being.  This will help your blog and income grow very well over the long haul.

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